Saturday, October 6, 2012

OKIDOKE here we go

The challenge has been set, with some milestone challenges along the way. So this is my journey to busting the funk I have found myself in.
I sent a tweet (@wendydavie) and facebook to ask my friends and followers what physical challenge I should make for myself over the next 12 months. I got some awesome and somewhat challenging suggestions. Here is a sample:
* Christchurch Marathon
* Miners Walk - Mototapu
* New York Marathon
* Honolulu Marathon
* Challenge Wanaka
* Auckland 1/2 Ironman
* Fight for Life
* Coast to Coast
* Husky racing in Alaska
* Trek to Everest Base camp (or Sahara trek given my propensity for Altitude sickness).
Given my last foray in running resulted in me being almost crippled by blisters and foot pain, I think the marathon in the next 12 months may be stretching my abilities somewhat.

I also asked my fab family for some challenges to aspire to over the next year and they include:
* Becoming investment literate (My fab husband thought I was meaning how to earn more money, I added this to the list and then suggested something physical is more in order)
* Ski with family on 1st day of family skiing in 2013 and be fit enough to ski the season with them.
* Be fit and ready for a ski holiday in japan in January 2014 (I think the investment literacy may have to help with this one)
* Pete also mumbled something about the Buller 1/2 and Motutapu as well.

So I have been overwhelmed with amazing suggestions and challenges to work toward. However I have selected one particular challenge to aspire and train toward. I have a little under 12 months to get to this particular event. It will also require my financial acumen to improve in order to travel to it. It also involves one of my favorite places in the world. So DRUM ROLL Please..............................................


So buckle up and join me on this amazing journey by following this blog. Also your tips and ideas for events and training along the way are more than welcome.

Now for the really embarrassing part, where I bare my sole and share with you my starting point. Some of you know me well so this will not be a surprise but for those of you who are meeting me here for the 1st time I am about to share with you some vital statistics. this is my starting point and I will update these stats as the journey continues;

HEIGHT 168cm
WEIGHT 118.9kg (shhhh don't tell anyone)
FITNESS: Walking up stairs makes me puff and I can probably swim 25 metres non stop.
ENTHUSIASM: In my boots, hence this being about Funk Busting as I am seriously in a deep dark and major funk right now.
MOTIVATION: mmmmmmm kinda OK, but I may need you guys to hold me accountable and kick my butt along the way.


  1. Yay Wendy !

    I am 100% behind you on this one, maybe you can motivate mum to get active too ! Awesome work !


    1. Maybe a trip to San Fran for the swim may be incentive enough :-)

  2. Hi Wendy.

    How are you as a swimmer? Swimming tends to be a lot easier on the joints than running (no blisters!). It's also good for blood pressure, really relaxing, and easy to build up training, as you can start by stopping between each length.

    Would you like to join me in the State Ocean Swim Series? They have distances from 300m, 1000m up to 2.9-3.3 km.

    Oriental Bay is at the end of January, and Akaroa on 23 February.

    There's also a kids race - 200m for under 10s, so it's something the whole family can do.

    I know you've literally written a book at the swimming pool when the kids train, so how about de-funking in one too?

  3. hey rachel, I have the Akaroa 300m swim in my plan as a marker event the the North Shore swim of 1000m. Used to swim alot but I think I have some serious work to do to get back in the swing of it.

  4. Good lady! I am so proud to see you going public and getting back on track with that goal we set!!
    You are an amazing tower of strength so now is the time to stop the pity party, get off your arse, and kick some ALCATRAZ butt!! Cross that baby off your bucket list Mrs Davie:) YAY! And don't forget the only challenge will be the ones you set. Don't forget you have an amazing amount of supporters in your corner. Love ya to bits xxx

  5. Happy to walk or run around the Bay and catch up on some gossip whenever you are in Sydney. Know some prety good cycling, too. And I have a lot of patience keepin people going. I motivated a 6 year old to cycle 45 km!!
