Where the hell have you been????
I can hear you asking that.............or is that me asking myself.
I have been a slacker, I have been a lazy cow, I have been busy (LOL), I have reverted back to my old shitty habits BIG TIME.
If I did not come here then I did not have to be accountable. Oh well here I am back again being accountable, and feeling like a psychic cause I knew I would crash and burn off the wagon. However I am going to do something I have not done for many years. A new year resolution list:
1) Get back in the frigging water - minimum 3 x week swimming. A great mate Nicky will be meeting me on Mon, Wed, Fri mornings at 6am at Pioneer pool, starting 7th January. I however will be in the pool before then.
2) Stop eating that white sugar stuff - Yes I am going to go back on my sugar free diet as espoused by David Gillespie in "Sweet Poison"
3) Drink less wine - I cannot quiet bring myself to promise a alcohol free year, however I am seriously considering it.
4) Take care of myself, sleep better, meditate, surround myself with GOOD people.
5) Get over my fear of the ocean and sailing on it, so I can begin to prepare to sail offshore in the future with my amazing husband.
So there you have it, there have been some great and not so great changes since I last signed in:
NOT SO GREAT (UGLY) - I was 123.3 kg when I stepped on the scales the other day....disgusting :-(
GREAT - I am beginning a new job on the 14th January 2013. My title is "Manager - information & supportive care services" New Zealand Cancer Society - Canterbury West Coast.
So as you can see some big and audacious goals and changes ahead, so buckle up and enjoy the ride.
Over being in a Funk? well so am I. This is my place to share with you the journey I am embarking on to feel better, look better, have more fun and live a happier and more fulfilling life. Frankly I am over being old, fat, cranky and ugly so the time has come to make some changes.
Monday, December 31, 2012
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Where the F*** are you?
I am still here just a blip in progress. I have fallen hard and heavy off the wagon after 3 months of sugar free I have started with all my worst habits all over again.
At least I am consistent and regularly fall of the wagon. I have avoided writing because I feel like I am a real disappointment.
So keep watching I will keep on plugging along and don't you give up because I am a little distracted right now.
Love ya
At least I am consistent and regularly fall of the wagon. I have avoided writing because I feel like I am a real disappointment.
So keep watching I will keep on plugging along and don't you give up because I am a little distracted right now.
Love ya
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Woe, is me!!!!!!
This is one of those posts I was hoping would only come around once in a blue moon, if ever. However I am here, I am deep and I am sitting smack bang in a serious funk. What is with that, I am a smart, sensible (most of the time), bright and usually cheery middle aged women, but today I just feel like shit.
There is no reason, I have no excuse, I cannot put my finger on it. Just that today everything seems to suck, which is kind of stupid. You see I have a wonderful husband, 3 amazing children, a house that is almost repaired (4 weeks to go) seriously as the Aussies would say I really do live the life of riley. So what is with this sense of gloom and darkness that is sitting over my head like an ugly black cloud. You know I even ate a MARS BAR, chai latte and pie. Three things that a funk buster should avoid from crossing their lips, but I went for it anyway. My little voice in my head is telling me I am an idiot, not deserving of being fit and healthy and that I am destined to be a cranky fat old witch for the rest of my life. Which probably is relatively short as you do not see to many morbidly obese people over the age of about 55, they are either dead or holed up in their homes, because you rarely see them out and about. By my reckoning that gives me less that 10 years unless I can get out of this funk I am in, lose weight and become more positive.
I eluded to my confidence taking a battering recently in my last post and that has crept up on my now and is playing on my mind. I am starting to doubt myself and my ability, maybe I am the crazy one, maybe I did react badly at times, but the sensible part of me keeps reminding me that it takes two to tango. Even the simple act of not getting a response to an email requesting a reference from someone has been enough to make me think I am not worthy, whats with that, stupid I know. But I promised my readers warts and all and here you are you are getting it. So now that I have given you a scarily intimate look into the musings of a peri menopausal mind, scary thought in itself LOL. I will promise you this:
* This afternoon between 4.30-6.30 (time to be confirmed) I will be hitting the pool and pounding out a minimum 1200 metres.
* I will do my best to improve my much exhausted frame of mind.
* I will check in tomorrow with a plan that will be executed to lift my spirits and get this funk I am presently in well and truly busted.
If you feel like having a vent and blowing off a little steam as I just have then feel free to share, cause sometimes it helps to not feel so alone.
There is no reason, I have no excuse, I cannot put my finger on it. Just that today everything seems to suck, which is kind of stupid. You see I have a wonderful husband, 3 amazing children, a house that is almost repaired (4 weeks to go) seriously as the Aussies would say I really do live the life of riley. So what is with this sense of gloom and darkness that is sitting over my head like an ugly black cloud. You know I even ate a MARS BAR, chai latte and pie. Three things that a funk buster should avoid from crossing their lips, but I went for it anyway. My little voice in my head is telling me I am an idiot, not deserving of being fit and healthy and that I am destined to be a cranky fat old witch for the rest of my life. Which probably is relatively short as you do not see to many morbidly obese people over the age of about 55, they are either dead or holed up in their homes, because you rarely see them out and about. By my reckoning that gives me less that 10 years unless I can get out of this funk I am in, lose weight and become more positive.
I eluded to my confidence taking a battering recently in my last post and that has crept up on my now and is playing on my mind. I am starting to doubt myself and my ability, maybe I am the crazy one, maybe I did react badly at times, but the sensible part of me keeps reminding me that it takes two to tango. Even the simple act of not getting a response to an email requesting a reference from someone has been enough to make me think I am not worthy, whats with that, stupid I know. But I promised my readers warts and all and here you are you are getting it. So now that I have given you a scarily intimate look into the musings of a peri menopausal mind, scary thought in itself LOL. I will promise you this:
* This afternoon between 4.30-6.30 (time to be confirmed) I will be hitting the pool and pounding out a minimum 1200 metres.
* I will do my best to improve my much exhausted frame of mind.
* I will check in tomorrow with a plan that will be executed to lift my spirits and get this funk I am presently in well and truly busted.
If you feel like having a vent and blowing off a little steam as I just have then feel free to share, cause sometimes it helps to not feel so alone.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Evacuate, Evacuate
You don't need lights to swim, however the filters not operating in a public pool could be a hazard.
That was how my pool session today came to an abrupt end. The power went off and we had to evacuate Pioneer Pool here in Christchurch.
Now as you know I am all for being honest here, and to be honest hauling my fat arse to the pool has been the last thing I have felt like doing since I returned from Sydney, however I have been twice in 3 days so doing ok. My programme has increased and I am now doing 400metres without stopping 1200 in total per session. Due to today's "swimmus interuptus" I only managed 1000 before being forced to evacuate, as the wonderful Debbie said on Facebook maybe that is the universes way of saying "enough for today".
In the spirit of honesty I have been riding around on the sugar wagon as well for nearly a week, man can I feel it, so sluggish and lethargic as well. So even though my logical brain says, "cut the fructose out you numbskull", my willpower and tastebuds are going "Ahhh F*** it, just eat that shit, who cares anyway?" So really who does care??? Do I really care? That is what I am wondering at the moment as I struggle with the monumental fact that in order to feel happy, healthy and well I need to shed at least 50kg and swim shark infested waters in a country on the other side of the world. What the hell was I thinking?
Yes I do care, because I know that there are one or two of you out there who read this, you have offered encouragement and even embarked on your own Funk Busting quest. So even though letting myself down is incredibly easy, because I let myself off to lightly, I suspect that you may not let me off. So onwards and upwards I go, I will re climb that SUGAR FREE wagon and keep hitting the pool and show you all that anything is doable regardless of how huge and scary it may seem. This accountability stuff is pretty good, so keep on keeping me accountable, and I wont let you (or me) down.
On another note, so far this week my motivation has been in my boots and yesterday I spent most of the day in my room just doing nothing. A few hours writing for a small contract I have was about it, I just closed myself away. This is not good and I must not make this a habit.
Those of you that know me know I have just finished a contract doing a great job and am basically a free agent. I have done a little bit of contract work, however I am basically looking for the next opportunity to show itself. This is kind of tricky at the moment because my confidence and self-esteem took a major hammering over the last few months, and I often will shy away from something that may be good for me.
Sometimes it seems a culture where talking, thinking, procrastinating, back patting, bullying and slow progress is acceptable and rewarded behavior, for me that is counter productive to my own mental health. I am the kind of person who will innovate, plan, strategise, problem-solve, TAKE ACTION, review, hold accountable and be accountable so I am hoping like hell there is a place for me out there in the professional world as at the moment I feel like I am all alone and being punished for being passionate.
One thing I know for sure is that I am a great fixer, present me with a problem and I will find you a solution, whether you accept it and take action or not is entirely up to you, but I will find a way to the light at the end of the tunnel.So I am looking at ways to utilise these skills to possibly start a new business. I need to finance this funk busting somehow.
Also I have relaunched my book "The Accidental Organiser" so I am selling copies of that to make a little bit of money as well, also I sent my CV to a local talk back radio station yesterday that may need a new breakfast host, and told them I was worth a shot. So I am out there and on the hunt for amazing opportunities to make a difference and help finance this amazing funk busting journey.
Now to work on the self esteem..............See you soon and keep busting your funk.
That was how my pool session today came to an abrupt end. The power went off and we had to evacuate Pioneer Pool here in Christchurch.
Now as you know I am all for being honest here, and to be honest hauling my fat arse to the pool has been the last thing I have felt like doing since I returned from Sydney, however I have been twice in 3 days so doing ok. My programme has increased and I am now doing 400metres without stopping 1200 in total per session. Due to today's "swimmus interuptus" I only managed 1000 before being forced to evacuate, as the wonderful Debbie said on Facebook maybe that is the universes way of saying "enough for today".
In the spirit of honesty I have been riding around on the sugar wagon as well for nearly a week, man can I feel it, so sluggish and lethargic as well. So even though my logical brain says, "cut the fructose out you numbskull", my willpower and tastebuds are going "Ahhh F*** it, just eat that shit, who cares anyway?" So really who does care??? Do I really care? That is what I am wondering at the moment as I struggle with the monumental fact that in order to feel happy, healthy and well I need to shed at least 50kg and swim shark infested waters in a country on the other side of the world. What the hell was I thinking?
Yes I do care, because I know that there are one or two of you out there who read this, you have offered encouragement and even embarked on your own Funk Busting quest. So even though letting myself down is incredibly easy, because I let myself off to lightly, I suspect that you may not let me off. So onwards and upwards I go, I will re climb that SUGAR FREE wagon and keep hitting the pool and show you all that anything is doable regardless of how huge and scary it may seem. This accountability stuff is pretty good, so keep on keeping me accountable, and I wont let you (or me) down.
On another note, so far this week my motivation has been in my boots and yesterday I spent most of the day in my room just doing nothing. A few hours writing for a small contract I have was about it, I just closed myself away. This is not good and I must not make this a habit.
Those of you that know me know I have just finished a contract doing a great job and am basically a free agent. I have done a little bit of contract work, however I am basically looking for the next opportunity to show itself. This is kind of tricky at the moment because my confidence and self-esteem took a major hammering over the last few months, and I often will shy away from something that may be good for me.
Sometimes it seems a culture where talking, thinking, procrastinating, back patting, bullying and slow progress is acceptable and rewarded behavior, for me that is counter productive to my own mental health. I am the kind of person who will innovate, plan, strategise, problem-solve, TAKE ACTION, review, hold accountable and be accountable so I am hoping like hell there is a place for me out there in the professional world as at the moment I feel like I am all alone and being punished for being passionate.
One thing I know for sure is that I am a great fixer, present me with a problem and I will find you a solution, whether you accept it and take action or not is entirely up to you, but I will find a way to the light at the end of the tunnel.So I am looking at ways to utilise these skills to possibly start a new business. I need to finance this funk busting somehow.
Also I have relaunched my book "The Accidental Organiser" so I am selling copies of that to make a little bit of money as well, also I sent my CV to a local talk back radio station yesterday that may need a new breakfast host, and told them I was worth a shot. So I am out there and on the hunt for amazing opportunities to make a difference and help finance this amazing funk busting journey.
Now to work on the self esteem..............See you soon and keep busting your funk.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
The traveller returns
I have just had the most funk busting trip to Sydney. A delight to get out of Shakeytown for a few days, and catch up with family and friends. It was my sisters 40th Birthday on Friday and I was determined to spend some time with her. So as a gift I gave her a full day spa package at GILLIAN ADAMS SPA & SALON in Turramurra.
We were there for 7 hours being treated, massaged, and preened to within an inch of our lives. There was a special hydro oxygen pool that had massage jets and was like a circuit in water, so I classify that as my swim for the day. Steam room, massage, facial, hair, makeup, manicure and pedicure also a fabulous lunch in the sunny courtyard of detox juice, chicken with rosti and asparagus and a glass of Sav. If you ever want to bust a funk this is one sure fire way to turn your worries and cares off for a day and feel like a princess.
So all in all a wonderful few days, Yes I ate sugar and I drank wine and I shopped like a warrior the ultimate in Funk Busting. Amongst my purchases was a "GARMIN SWIM", this is a very handy watch that counts your laps, time and strokes etc. Meaning I can tune my brain to other things while I swim. It also tracks my training lets me set goals and stay on track for Alcatraz, also it was $100 cheaper at Rebel in Sydney then here in NZ. You can also follow my training by CLICKING HERE this is my Garmin Connect site, where my watch logs my training.
We were there for 7 hours being treated, massaged, and preened to within an inch of our lives. There was a special hydro oxygen pool that had massage jets and was like a circuit in water, so I classify that as my swim for the day. Steam room, massage, facial, hair, makeup, manicure and pedicure also a fabulous lunch in the sunny courtyard of detox juice, chicken with rosti and asparagus and a glass of Sav. If you ever want to bust a funk this is one sure fire way to turn your worries and cares off for a day and feel like a princess.
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The Princess's post princess spa day |
Now I did not want to be a totally relaxed and lazy slob for my time in Sydney, so I hauled my butt out of bed on Saturday morning and headed to Warringah Aquatic Centre. It had been almost 30 years since I had been in that pool. My gorgeous niece Emerald was up and about so she was my training partner. It was a stellar workout, I swam 575 mt very disjointed and then had tea parties on the pool bottom, mermaid races and tumble turn competitions. All in all a fun relaxed and not so productive training session. But who cares when you have a smiley face like this and you can share hot chips at 9am in the morning.
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Healthy post swim breakfast with Miss Emerald |
You will see that I have been back in the pool and completed 1300m Freestyle this morning, had to do it or was going to head back to bed. My weekend of sugar and relaxation has made me feel a bit like I am walking though mud, so damn tired and achy, LOL. So swim done for the day and longest distance to date. So I am officially back on track.
I will however need to investigate better swim times as there was a aquarobics class and loads of swimmers and 2 lanes :-(. Certainly helped simulate open water conditions when the aquarobics class was doing jumps and stuff, but I am not the quickest yet so makes it hard when you are not fast enough for the fast lane and slow enough for the slow lane, and there is no medium lane.
I will however need to investigate better swim times as there was a aquarobics class and loads of swimmers and 2 lanes :-(. Certainly helped simulate open water conditions when the aquarobics class was doing jumps and stuff, but I am not the quickest yet so makes it hard when you are not fast enough for the fast lane and slow enough for the slow lane, and there is no medium lane.
For those of you reading this in Christchurch, you can also follow my journey in "The Eastern Times" where I will be sharing a weekly column of what in happening in Funk Buster world.
I would also love it if you shared with me what you are doing to bust your funk, and I am also keen to try "Hot Yoga" so if you have given this a go, let me know what it is like.
See ya soon.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Its not always about exercise
Today was the day that I knew was coming, I did not want to go to the pool. It all felt too hard and not going felt like the easy option. I posted this on Twitter/facebook and before I knew it I had my cheer squad cheering me on and I felt the pull.
Yes I took a deep breath and made my way to Pioneer Pool, it was hard today, but you know what I did it. I did it for me and also for my cheer squad, but mostly for me.
Yesterday was a strange day as well. I kind of didn't do any exercise, however I did do something that certainly qualifies as FUNKBUSTING.
You see the weather over the weekend had been pretty hideous, lucky the pool is indoors, so I did my swim on Saturday. However Sunday dawned cold and rainy as well, and the idea of exercise was not at front of mind. I did however have an opportunity to spend a few hours in the company of some of the amazing ALL BLACKS and Sophie Pascoe, while they spent time working with a group of Christchurch kids answering questions, signing autographs, photos and then rugby drills. The session was finished with a game of touch rugby. My son Ben had Kieren Reid in his team, and Ritchie McCaw was the referee.
What an amazing afternoon, the sun came out and all seemed well with the world. Let me tell you a few hours watching kids have fun with their idols is the ultimate way to bust a funk.
So remember busting a funk is about doing stuff that is going to make you feel good about life and yourself, exercise is only one part of the equation. However for me it is also about keeping my eye on the prize, and for me that is swimming in the cold and current riddled waters of San Francisco Bay in 2013. Keep on smiling and go bust your own funk :-)
Yes I took a deep breath and made my way to Pioneer Pool, it was hard today, but you know what I did it. I did it for me and also for my cheer squad, but mostly for me.
Yesterday was a strange day as well. I kind of didn't do any exercise, however I did do something that certainly qualifies as FUNKBUSTING.
You see the weather over the weekend had been pretty hideous, lucky the pool is indoors, so I did my swim on Saturday. However Sunday dawned cold and rainy as well, and the idea of exercise was not at front of mind. I did however have an opportunity to spend a few hours in the company of some of the amazing ALL BLACKS and Sophie Pascoe, while they spent time working with a group of Christchurch kids answering questions, signing autographs, photos and then rugby drills. The session was finished with a game of touch rugby. My son Ben had Kieren Reid in his team, and Ritchie McCaw was the referee.
What an amazing afternoon, the sun came out and all seemed well with the world. Let me tell you a few hours watching kids have fun with their idols is the ultimate way to bust a funk.
So remember busting a funk is about doing stuff that is going to make you feel good about life and yourself, exercise is only one part of the equation. However for me it is also about keeping my eye on the prize, and for me that is swimming in the cold and current riddled waters of San Francisco Bay in 2013. Keep on smiling and go bust your own funk :-)
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Checking in
Hey all, not too much exciting happening in my world. I am pleased to announce that I have been excellent in my pursuit of a swim every second day. This morning I upped the distance to 1250 freestyle, with short breaks in between.
1 x 200
6 x 100
6 x 50
6 x 25
Also despite having a few vinos last night I was feeling comfortable in the water and quiet relaxed. The getting our of bed was the trickiest part today.
Yesterday was fairly cruisey with a walk along the beach front in Sumner with Sam and Ben, only 2.4km, but still moving and exercising, which I plan to do at least one physical activity everyday.
I treated myself to a massage with the amazing Rachel Ah Kit at BODYWORKS MASSAGE THERAPY and plan to make this a regular component in my training regime.
As is often the case I have found a potential spanner in the works for my planned challenge. There is a part of me that is keen to run for our local council elections in 2013, I am not yet decided but it is a possibility, and the election is likely to be within 2 weeks of the 28th sept Alcatraz swim. I will however complete the alcatraz swim in 2013, as there are various events throughout the year I will need to look closely at the timing of the events, coinciding with our winter and possible campaigning for election. So watch this space for a finalized swim date in the next few weeks.
Also I have a wetsuit dilemma I hope you or someone you know can help me with. I am planning to hit the open water in the next few weeks, however given I am somewhat larger than most manufacturers believe is the maximum size they can make for a women in wetsuits, I cannot get one that will fit me. I am open to suggestions please, I am not keen on a men's wetsuit as the mammeries get in the kind of squished, and the neck becomes somewhat strangling. So if you have nay ideas of where I can get a wetsuit from please let me know, so I can get that underway. Yes I am working on getting smaller, but hey what came first the chicken or the egg, you know what I mean.
Keep busting your funk and will report back soon.
1 x 200
6 x 100
6 x 50
6 x 25
Also despite having a few vinos last night I was feeling comfortable in the water and quiet relaxed. The getting our of bed was the trickiest part today.
Yesterday was fairly cruisey with a walk along the beach front in Sumner with Sam and Ben, only 2.4km, but still moving and exercising, which I plan to do at least one physical activity everyday.
I treated myself to a massage with the amazing Rachel Ah Kit at BODYWORKS MASSAGE THERAPY and plan to make this a regular component in my training regime.
As is often the case I have found a potential spanner in the works for my planned challenge. There is a part of me that is keen to run for our local council elections in 2013, I am not yet decided but it is a possibility, and the election is likely to be within 2 weeks of the 28th sept Alcatraz swim. I will however complete the alcatraz swim in 2013, as there are various events throughout the year I will need to look closely at the timing of the events, coinciding with our winter and possible campaigning for election. So watch this space for a finalized swim date in the next few weeks.
Also I have a wetsuit dilemma I hope you or someone you know can help me with. I am planning to hit the open water in the next few weeks, however given I am somewhat larger than most manufacturers believe is the maximum size they can make for a women in wetsuits, I cannot get one that will fit me. I am open to suggestions please, I am not keen on a men's wetsuit as the mammeries get in the kind of squished, and the neck becomes somewhat strangling. So if you have nay ideas of where I can get a wetsuit from please let me know, so I can get that underway. Yes I am working on getting smaller, but hey what came first the chicken or the egg, you know what I mean.
Keep busting your funk and will report back soon.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Thanks Ernest & Paula
A friend of mine, Paula, who i have known virtually for 13 years and met once on the beach in Hawaii posted the coolest story on Facebook this morning. I clicked and read and through. Paula had introduced me, via facebook post, to the amazing Ernest Gagnon - Cyclist. Now you must read this great news article about this inspirational chap.
After reading this, I was inspired and my pool session was all the sweeter today, know that yep I can do anything I damn well want to. I just need to make it happen, so thank you Paula and Ernest for being inspirational.
Paula herself is also an inspiration to me and you can follow her adventures at LAVAGAL as she trains in Hawaii for triathlons and other events. I love reading about her adventures in the water or pavement pounding or cycling. So this is also thanks to Paula for your inspiration.
So back to funk busters, yep I am doing OK after yesterdays bike ride, not so sore after all, thank goodness. I hit the pool and this is today's session:
6 x 100
6 x 50
6 x 25
1050 metres in total in 34 minutes. I am also beginning to feel comfortable in the water already, which is encouraging.
I am not entirely sure what I will conjure up as my activity for tomorrow, some of the thoughts are:
* Rapaki Track walk
* Bike ride :-( I am told my butt wont hurt as much if I just get on with it.
* Hagley Park walk/jog
So keep an eye out or even throw me a suggestion for tomorrows activity. Also this blog is not just about me, it is about you too. I have had a couple of friends want to follow what I am doing and possibly swim Alcatraz with me, but both mentioned that they did not want to gatecrash or steal my thunder. Well friends my thunder is here to be stolen and my gate is open to be crashed, this is a journey I can only do with support and encouragement from others, I think the more the merrier so hope on board the FUNKBUSTER express and join me.
After reading this, I was inspired and my pool session was all the sweeter today, know that yep I can do anything I damn well want to. I just need to make it happen, so thank you Paula and Ernest for being inspirational.
Paula herself is also an inspiration to me and you can follow her adventures at LAVAGAL as she trains in Hawaii for triathlons and other events. I love reading about her adventures in the water or pavement pounding or cycling. So this is also thanks to Paula for your inspiration.
So back to funk busters, yep I am doing OK after yesterdays bike ride, not so sore after all, thank goodness. I hit the pool and this is today's session:
6 x 100
6 x 50
6 x 25
1050 metres in total in 34 minutes. I am also beginning to feel comfortable in the water already, which is encouraging.
I am not entirely sure what I will conjure up as my activity for tomorrow, some of the thoughts are:
* Rapaki Track walk
* Bike ride :-( I am told my butt wont hurt as much if I just get on with it.
* Hagley Park walk/jog
So keep an eye out or even throw me a suggestion for tomorrows activity. Also this blog is not just about me, it is about you too. I have had a couple of friends want to follow what I am doing and possibly swim Alcatraz with me, but both mentioned that they did not want to gatecrash or steal my thunder. Well friends my thunder is here to be stolen and my gate is open to be crashed, this is a journey I can only do with support and encouragement from others, I think the more the merrier so hope on board the FUNKBUSTER express and join me.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Beluga and the Bike
Close you eyes for a moment and picture this
One Beluga whale, sitting on a matchstick powered by two thimbles in a wind tunnel
Now back to reality, me on a bike riding into a Canterbury norwester for my first bike ride in, oooohhhh about 4 years.
However I did log 11.3km, it took me 53 minutes (Stop laughing all you real cyclists out there) this chick gotta start somewhere. I was riding my trusty Specialized Rockhopper, that had not seen the light of day for sometime, and even had those funky clip in shoes too. Going by the creaks and groans (from the bike not me) I suspect a service may be in order.
However back to the matter at hand. I drove to Prebbleton with my training buddies (Ben 13 and his mate Sam 13 as well), we picked a spot parked the car and hopped on our bikes to ride to lincoln and back.
Within 2 seconds my arse was on fire (Beluga/matchstick vision), and I wondered what the hell I was doing. Ben offered to ride with Mum, but to maintain my dignity I told him and his mate to ride ahead, and I would turn around when they reached me on their return from lincoln. I peddled and peddled, had a fiddle with the gears hoping I might just go faster and the torture would be over sooner. The I saw a marker on the path saying 2.5km, "WTF???? I felt like I had ridden 250km, I wanted to turn around. Eventually I reached the Lincoln sign and my two companions were heading back toward me. We made a minor seat adjustment and I headed back in the direction I had just ridden from, with the boys leaving me in a trail of dust as they hooned down the track.
This is when it actually got really bad, yes I was riding into the Norwester, and it was not nice. My legs already felt like the godfather had blessed me with concrete boots, but I kept on peddling. At one point I am pretty sure tears were stinging my eyes and the apple I had eaten on the way to Prebbleton was threatening an encore appearance. I kept on Peddling, as I saw a bend I thought, yay the car is sure to be parked just beyond it, I rounded the bend and no friggin car, just another long straight into the wind, I really wanted to throw in the towel, however given I was the only person with a drivers license the 13 year olds were not about to come get me. So I persevered, I wondered how the hell any sensible person would keep on riding and riding and do 100's km in a week, but they do so I am sure it must get better. Peddling Peddling, I finally got a glimpse of my car about 1km away and I pushed till I could actually push no more. I gave in a walked the final 300 metres to the car.
My right elbow (which is quite dicky and permanently dislocated, long story) had locked into place and I could not straighten my arm, the apple was rumbling and I wanted to cry, but hey I was alive.
Seriously total Kudos to all you cyclists out there, There may come a day I can cycle alongside some of you, but I fear that day is a long time coming, just sitting on the bike/matchstick seat is going to take a shot of something narcotic I think.
Some of you may be wondering why I went biking when my goal is to swim from Alcatraz. Its simple, this Funk Buster is about more than just the swim, it is about me, and looking after myself, treating myself with respect (Though my butt would beg to differ) and opening myself up to new experiences and challenges. None of which will happen if I stick to the pool, funk busting is my new lifestyle, and the variety I pack into it the more fun it will be and the more successful I will be living this new lifestyle.
Have you busted your funk today???
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
I am going to let you in a secret.......shhh.
When I set a goal or make a commitment to do something that means looking after myself. I invariably begin the course of self sabotage. I think a record has been set here, I last one day, LOL. No excuses, just me being typical of my usual bad habits. Now a little background required here.
* I gave up Coca Cola on April 30th 2012.
* I stopped drinking alcohol shortly after for a 3 month period.
* I stopped eating sugar "Fructose" on the 23rd July 2012
The above three things are my downfall, so going cold turkey on them has been a challenge but totally doable.
Last week one of my kiddos had to have his tonsils out, so I was wee bit lax on the alcohol side, figure a few glasses of sav would make sleeping on a hospital lazy boy easier to bear. Oh, it worked by the way.
Also as soon as he was put under (with me holding his hand) I went to the cafeteria and had a cup of tea and a piece of cake......1st sugar in months, but hey I was a Mum under stress, so I am sure that is ok.
Well the floodgates have not quiet opened, however I have eaten sugar every day since, ggggrrrrr.
So that takes me to yesterday and my supreme effort at self sabotage. I did no exercise. Ate a Wendy's choc top cone, a bowl of ice cream and OMG, a cadbury dairy milk chocolate. The biggest shock came about 10 minutes after I ate the chocolate I got the shakes, LOL....the first ever real sugar high I have had in my entire life, no kidding. You see until 23rd of july, I was 90% sugar and 10% blood in my veins, so never felt a sugar high cause I was powered on sugar. So it came as a bit of a shock and Miss 17, who I was driving home at the time found it quiet amusing.
So there, confession over, I F***** UP. The good news is, today is another day, a new beginning and a few hundred people (who have read this blog) to be accountable to, so thanks for that.
I woke up this morning a new resolve, and grabbed Mr 13, and we hit the pool. I did 1000 metres:
5 x 100 Free
5 x 50 Free
6 x 25 Free
2 x 50 Free
I am not timing myself however I am taking short breaks, 12 breaths between the 100's, 10 between the 50's and 8 between the 25's. And I was in the pool about 40 minutes, I think.
I then took the boys to breakfast, where I was sugar free (yes I am going to get back on that wagon, cause it makes my skin look so good, LOL), and had Bacon, eggs, sausages and toast. Yum.
So there you have it already a slip up, and already back on the wagon, get used to that, I am a bit of a self sabotage recidivist, but you are welcome to kick my virtual butt should you see fit.
Also I have a favor to ask, I want your exercise suggestions please. I am not keen to join a gym, however need to spice things up a bit to bust this funk, so let me know what you think I should try, and I will give "most" things a go. I want to exercise everyday, with one day a week being a cruise day. So add your ideas here and let the fun begin.
When I set a goal or make a commitment to do something that means looking after myself. I invariably begin the course of self sabotage. I think a record has been set here, I last one day, LOL. No excuses, just me being typical of my usual bad habits. Now a little background required here.
* I gave up Coca Cola on April 30th 2012.
* I stopped drinking alcohol shortly after for a 3 month period.
* I stopped eating sugar "Fructose" on the 23rd July 2012
The above three things are my downfall, so going cold turkey on them has been a challenge but totally doable.
Last week one of my kiddos had to have his tonsils out, so I was wee bit lax on the alcohol side, figure a few glasses of sav would make sleeping on a hospital lazy boy easier to bear. Oh, it worked by the way.
Also as soon as he was put under (with me holding his hand) I went to the cafeteria and had a cup of tea and a piece of cake......1st sugar in months, but hey I was a Mum under stress, so I am sure that is ok.
Well the floodgates have not quiet opened, however I have eaten sugar every day since, ggggrrrrr.
So that takes me to yesterday and my supreme effort at self sabotage. I did no exercise. Ate a Wendy's choc top cone, a bowl of ice cream and OMG, a cadbury dairy milk chocolate. The biggest shock came about 10 minutes after I ate the chocolate I got the shakes, LOL....the first ever real sugar high I have had in my entire life, no kidding. You see until 23rd of july, I was 90% sugar and 10% blood in my veins, so never felt a sugar high cause I was powered on sugar. So it came as a bit of a shock and Miss 17, who I was driving home at the time found it quiet amusing.
So there, confession over, I F***** UP. The good news is, today is another day, a new beginning and a few hundred people (who have read this blog) to be accountable to, so thanks for that.
I woke up this morning a new resolve, and grabbed Mr 13, and we hit the pool. I did 1000 metres:
5 x 100 Free
5 x 50 Free
6 x 25 Free
2 x 50 Free
I am not timing myself however I am taking short breaks, 12 breaths between the 100's, 10 between the 50's and 8 between the 25's. And I was in the pool about 40 minutes, I think.
I then took the boys to breakfast, where I was sugar free (yes I am going to get back on that wagon, cause it makes my skin look so good, LOL), and had Bacon, eggs, sausages and toast. Yum.
So there you have it already a slip up, and already back on the wagon, get used to that, I am a bit of a self sabotage recidivist, but you are welcome to kick my virtual butt should you see fit.
Also I have a favor to ask, I want your exercise suggestions please. I am not keen to join a gym, however need to spice things up a bit to bust this funk, so let me know what you think I should try, and I will give "most" things a go. I want to exercise everyday, with one day a week being a cruise day. So add your ideas here and let the fun begin.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Wakey Wakey
My usual Sunday sleep in was not going to be appropriate on day one of the Alcatraz 2013 Challenge, so I hauled my butt out of bed and went to Pioneer Pool at 9am.
I had scoped out an app yesterday with a programme that is 0-1mile in 6 weeks, strangely called "Swim a Mile" and loaded it onto my Samsung. Checked out day one and though "Yep, may as well have a little guidance."
It was a 700 meter session, however I did:
1 x 50mt Freestyle - Just so i remembered how to swim, it had been a while
4 x 100 mt Freestyle with 12 breath rest between (yes I cheated a little, only so I did not die in a public pool)
4 x 50 mt Freestyle with 10 breath rest
4 x 25 mt Freestyle with 10 breath rest
100 kick board
100 breaststroke
1 x 50 mt freestyle
cool, I swam 1000 metres on my first outing in approx 50 minutes.
Now I must confess here this is the first time I have been in a pool in Christchurch since before the February 2011 earthquake, one of my little quirky things about not wanting to be sloshed around like a dead goldfish should a reasonable shake occur, LOL. Seems I have been missing some seriously chill time in the pool.
We then went on a boat outing on Lyttelton harbour, it was spectacular today and very little swell, sun shining and the whole family on board. Amazing to see the "new" cliffs we have from the water but a super way to spend the afternoon.
I must say I am totally overwhelmed with the support I have received from friends on Facebook and twitter, which is a good thing cause I will now look like a complete dick if I do not get my a into g and complete my challenge. So keep the support coming as I think I am gunna need as much as I can get. Also if you choose to come along with your own funk buster challenge then share with us here and we can all support each other along, regardless of where you are at fitness and body shape (see my great figures in post #1) so if I can do it so can anyone. Or you can share on twitter by using the hashtag #funkbuster
See you for tomorrows update.
I had scoped out an app yesterday with a programme that is 0-1mile in 6 weeks, strangely called "Swim a Mile" and loaded it onto my Samsung. Checked out day one and though "Yep, may as well have a little guidance."
It was a 700 meter session, however I did:
1 x 50mt Freestyle - Just so i remembered how to swim, it had been a while
4 x 100 mt Freestyle with 12 breath rest between (yes I cheated a little, only so I did not die in a public pool)
4 x 50 mt Freestyle with 10 breath rest
4 x 25 mt Freestyle with 10 breath rest
100 kick board
100 breaststroke
1 x 50 mt freestyle
cool, I swam 1000 metres on my first outing in approx 50 minutes.
Now I must confess here this is the first time I have been in a pool in Christchurch since before the February 2011 earthquake, one of my little quirky things about not wanting to be sloshed around like a dead goldfish should a reasonable shake occur, LOL. Seems I have been missing some seriously chill time in the pool.
We then went on a boat outing on Lyttelton harbour, it was spectacular today and very little swell, sun shining and the whole family on board. Amazing to see the "new" cliffs we have from the water but a super way to spend the afternoon.
I must say I am totally overwhelmed with the support I have received from friends on Facebook and twitter, which is a good thing cause I will now look like a complete dick if I do not get my a into g and complete my challenge. So keep the support coming as I think I am gunna need as much as I can get. Also if you choose to come along with your own funk buster challenge then share with us here and we can all support each other along, regardless of where you are at fitness and body shape (see my great figures in post #1) so if I can do it so can anyone. Or you can share on twitter by using the hashtag #funkbuster
See you for tomorrows update.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
OKIDOKE here we go
The challenge has been set, with some milestone challenges along the way. So this is my journey to busting the funk I have found myself in.
I sent a tweet (@wendydavie) and facebook to ask my friends and followers what physical challenge I should make for myself over the next 12 months. I got some awesome and somewhat challenging suggestions. Here is a sample:
* Christchurch Marathon
* Miners Walk - Mototapu
* New York Marathon
* Honolulu Marathon
* Challenge Wanaka
* Auckland 1/2 Ironman
* Fight for Life
* Coast to Coast
* Husky racing in Alaska
* Trek to Everest Base camp (or Sahara trek given my propensity for Altitude sickness).
Given my last foray in running resulted in me being almost crippled by blisters and foot pain, I think the marathon in the next 12 months may be stretching my abilities somewhat.
I also asked my fab family for some challenges to aspire to over the next year and they include:
* Becoming investment literate (My fab husband thought I was meaning how to earn more money, I added this to the list and then suggested something physical is more in order)
* Ski with family on 1st day of family skiing in 2013 and be fit enough to ski the season with them.
* Be fit and ready for a ski holiday in japan in January 2014 (I think the investment literacy may have to help with this one)
* Pete also mumbled something about the Buller 1/2 and Motutapu as well.
So I have been overwhelmed with amazing suggestions and challenges to work toward. However I have selected one particular challenge to aspire and train toward. I have a little under 12 months to get to this particular event. It will also require my financial acumen to improve in order to travel to it. It also involves one of my favorite places in the world. So DRUM ROLL Please..............................................
I sent a tweet (@wendydavie) and facebook to ask my friends and followers what physical challenge I should make for myself over the next 12 months. I got some awesome and somewhat challenging suggestions. Here is a sample:
* Christchurch Marathon
* Miners Walk - Mototapu
* New York Marathon
* Honolulu Marathon
* Challenge Wanaka
* Auckland 1/2 Ironman
* Fight for Life
* Coast to Coast
* Husky racing in Alaska
* Trek to Everest Base camp (or Sahara trek given my propensity for Altitude sickness).
Given my last foray in running resulted in me being almost crippled by blisters and foot pain, I think the marathon in the next 12 months may be stretching my abilities somewhat.
I also asked my fab family for some challenges to aspire to over the next year and they include:
* Becoming investment literate (My fab husband thought I was meaning how to earn more money, I added this to the list and then suggested something physical is more in order)
* Ski with family on 1st day of family skiing in 2013 and be fit enough to ski the season with them.
* Be fit and ready for a ski holiday in japan in January 2014 (I think the investment literacy may have to help with this one)
* Pete also mumbled something about the Buller 1/2 and Motutapu as well.
So I have been overwhelmed with amazing suggestions and challenges to work toward. However I have selected one particular challenge to aspire and train toward. I have a little under 12 months to get to this particular event. It will also require my financial acumen to improve in order to travel to it. It also involves one of my favorite places in the world. So DRUM ROLL Please..............................................
So buckle up and join me on this amazing journey by following this blog. Also your tips and ideas for events and training along the way are more than welcome.
Now for the really embarrassing part, where I bare my sole and share with you my starting point. Some of you know me well so this will not be a surprise but for those of you who are meeting me here for the 1st time I am about to share with you some vital statistics. this is my starting point and I will update these stats as the journey continues;
HEIGHT 168cm
WEIGHT 118.9kg (shhhh don't tell anyone)
FITNESS: Walking up stairs makes me puff and I can probably swim 25 metres non stop.
ENTHUSIASM: In my boots, hence this being about Funk Busting as I am seriously in a deep dark and major funk right now.
MOTIVATION: mmmmmmm kinda OK, but I may need you guys to hold me accountable and kick my butt along the way.
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